Healthy Workplace
Our designers have been thinking about how our experience designing hospitals and medical office buildings could help make workplaces safer. These solutions are based on effective solutions we’ve pulled from healthcare.

Cleaner Air
In medical settings, fresh air circulation is key to preventing the spread of infections. Office buildings should be designed to provide as much outside air as possible to dilute contaminates. HVAC systems should be upgraded to use high performance filtration, germicidal ultraviolet or air treatment to kill viruses and bacteria in the air.

Changes to Density
Workplaces can add more private spaces and provide transparent barriers when there is less than six feet between workstations. Also avoid face-to-face workstation orientations.

Hand Sanitizer Stations
Hospitals emphasize washing hands to prevent infections by putting sinks in every room. We think workplaces can achieve a similar result by increasing their number of hand sanitizer stations.

Enhanced Cleaning
Cleaning is key to infection control in hospitals. Workplaces can improve by increasing the number of times high-touch surfaces are cleaned. Also consider increasing the anti-bacterial properties cleaning solutions.

Touch Free Fixtures & Doors
A common way viruses spread is on people’s hands. No-touch bathrooms with automated fixtures avoid hands touching surfaces that may harbor viruses or bacteria. Automatic entry doors and other devices like touch-less bottle fillers are beneficial.

Durable Finishes
Durable finishes such as colorfast fabrics enable better cleaning. Hospitals avoid hard-to-clean, carpeted areas. Some high-touch finishes like copper and brass have anti-viral properties.

Video Conferencing
Doctors tell sick people to stay home so they don’t infect others. In-person meetings are likely to decrease, but workplaces can use tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to collaborate and connect.

Entry Screening
During times of increased risk, hospitals screen visitors coming into their buildings. Workplaces can use multi-factor screening tools to help keep infections from entering the building.

Get our Healthy Workplaces Summary
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Need specific advice about your workplace? Our workplace design experts can help you evaluate your space and make suggestions to help your workplace stay healthy.